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Music packages – in Austria only

Song libraries, which are expanded in regular updates, are created for the Music Engine music database with special attention to licences and rights.

Music and programme update

Our update service is here so that your Music Engine and business are always up to date with the newest songs. There are 10 music updates a year that will be synced to your music database automatically. This way, your SVC-Player will always be up to date – also available as an online-update.

Basic package:
The basic or starter package offers a comprehensive foundation of all genres, leaving no wish ungranted. Every Music Engine includes the basic package, but our clients have the opportunity to choose an additional one.

Our selection of additional packages:

Because we include pre-programmed playlists with a playing time of several hours (about 80.000 songs in total) you will never need to create one yourself. Of course you can still put together your own, individual playlists!

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